GARDN will hold its first Annual Conference that will focus on the importance of Canada taking on a leadership role in research in the area of green aviation
Half way through its four year mandate, GARDN is positioning this Conference as a keynote event that will focus on the importance of Canada taking on a leadership role in research in the area of green aviation, declared Sylain Cofsky, GARDN s Network Manager. GARDN seeks to underscore the criticality and urgency of its mandate amongst the community of researchers, aerospace industry, politicians and
decision makers, as well as Canadians at large.
We already have 13 projects on the go and their successful completion will ensure an enviable position for Canada amongst the top world players in the area of research aimed at reducing the aerospace industry s environmental footprint, added Dr. Claude Lajeunesse, Chairman of the Board of GARDN and
President of AIAC. Environmental research is a leading edge avenue for the aerospace industry in that it paves the way for the next decades. In fact, it is these very technologies that are the drivers of the next generation of air transportation. Other countries have understood the game changing nature of this research and Canada must establish its presence amongst this community of researchers, he added.
GARDN has invited world renowned speakers and researchers to participate in this event with a view to
stimulate debate and raise the level of awareness with respect to the seven themes of research and
development identified by GARDN, namely, noise and source emissions reduction, materials and
manufacturing processes, airport and aircraft operations, alternative fuels and product lifecycle