This Course utilises many different sample types and fluorescent probes (DNA stains, classic antibody labels and fluorescent proteins) and these are chosen to best demonstrate particular problems and techniques. Focus is on the techniques they enable and the problems they generate, which will be applicable to any sample types.
The 2-days consist of short tutorials followed by hands-on practice.
Day 1 takes participants through the basic principles of confocal microscopy and then trains through hands-on practice how to configure and image multicolour, multidimensional samples using a confocal microscope.
Day 2 builds on the experiences of day 1 and enables participants to try FRAP and spectral profiling.
"The best instructive course I have attended. Well done!"
This course has been awarded 11 CPD points by the IBMS in previous years.
This course is preceded by a 3 day Light Microscopy Course.
The course is very popular and early booking is recommended.