- Orthopedic surgery & Rheumatology
- Otolaryngology
- Foot & Ankle surgery
- Plastic & Reconstructive surgery
- Organ transplantation
- Dental surgery
- Neuro surgery
- Gastrointestinal endoscopic surgery
- Surgical oncology
- Urologic surgery
- Hernia Surgery
- Gynecological surgery
- Colon & rectal Surgery
- Trauma & surgical emergencies
- Maxcillo facial surgery
- Pediatric surgery
- Robotic surgery
- Cardiac surgery
- Cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine
- General surgery
- Vascular surgery
- Ophthalmological surgery
- Endocrine surgery
- Bariatric surgery
- Thoracic surgery
- Head and neck surgery
- Minimally Invasive surgery
Who should Attend
Scientists, researchers, professors, and students in the field of surgery.