Global HTA and CER Forum 2011 is the Web`s Largest Online HTA and CER Conference, covers topics such as:
- standardization of HTA in Europe
- Reimbursement processes speeding with first-hand input from prominent HTA bodies: NICE, OHE and HIQA
- Performance-based reimbursement analysis
- Value-based pricing Implementation: NICE and the Center for Health Economics give us their perspective
- Product development programs
- HTA strategies with insight from leading pharma and biotech companies: GSK, Roche and Amgen lead the way
Global HTA and CER Forum 2011 is dedigned for vice presidents, C-level management, managers, directors, Health Economics, and professionals fin the following areas: Pharmacoeconomics, Health Outcomes, Market Access, Health Technology Assessment, Comparative Effectiveness Research, Pricing and Patient-Centered Outcomes Research and Reimbursement.