The GLOBAL 2022 - International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle is dedicated to the nuclear fuel cycle with new nuclear perspectives in climate emergency and energy supply crisis.
Fuel cycle options including technical-economical evaluations
Advanced fuel cycle options for thermal neutron reactor systems (both large scale and small modular reactors)
Industrial practices in water-cooled reactors
Recycling options
Open cycle options
Partitioning and transmutation, and isotopes valorisation
Generation IV nuclear systems (both large scale and small modular reactors) : e.g. FNR, MSR, Th cycles,&hellip
Nuclear energy outlook and prospects, and associated fuel cycle perspectives
Nuclear energy and energy market dynamics
Nuclear energy outlook (including SMR)
Natural resources
New applications of nuclear energy
Front-end markets: updates and prospects
Nuclear system sustainability (including life cycle assessment)
Spent/Used fuel storage & transportation
Extension of storage period of existing system: ageing management, relicensing&hellip
SF storage exiting technologies and innovation to account for long term storage
Storage system durability and transportability (including regulatory constraints)
Long term behaviour of SF under storage, SF integrity under storage conditions
Transportation of SF: technologies and system to implement
Centralized storage
Nuclear fuel cycle front-end
Uranium mining
Uranium exploration
Uranium conversion and enrichment
Uranium ore processing
Advances in processes and technologies : ATF&hellip
Nuclear fuel design and fabrication : includes innovations, ATF
Valorisation, reuse of materials (depleted U…)
Front-end Transports
Waste management
Predisposal steps: waste characterisation, treatment, conditioning, storage (includes vitrified HLW and spent nuclear fuel when declared as waste, ILLW)
Policies and strategies in radioactive waste management (including valorisation)
Progress in geological disposal project from siting to industrial implementation
Experience in VLLW and LILW disposal
Legacy Waste management
Spent.Used fuel Fuel recycling
Mixed oxide fuel manufacturing and reprocessing ( MOX, Remix, MOX2)
LWR used fuel processing
Non oxide fuels recycling: nitride, carbide, molten salt,&hellip
Fast neutron reactor fuel manufacturing and reprocessing (MOX, metal fuel)
Partitioning and transmutation: fuels and recycling processes
Industrial plants: updates and new projects
Institutional, international & societal developments and issues
Public Support
Non-proliferation and safeguards
Legal, financial and insurance frameworks
Knowledge management
International R&D collaboration
Past Events
GLOBAL 2022 - International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle - 06-08 Jul 2022, Centre des Congres Reims, France (96141)
Please, check "GLOBAL - International Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements