- Private Healthcare
- Obtain funding for investment, expansion and development
- Access lucrative markets and sectors successfully in Asia
- Evaluate risk and understand financial viability of investment target
- Identify quality assets and projects with potential to have assured high ROI
- Develop innovative business model
- Create profi table collaboration with other partners and establish successful PPP with Asian government
- Smart Healthcare
- Develop personalized healthcare management approach that addresses patient needs
- Transform business models to achieve smart healthcare deliveries
- Enable collaborative care through creative use of technologies
- Empower patients to take charge of their own health
- Leverage on enabling technologies and disruptive innovations for higher quality healthcare services
- Hospital Supply Chain Management
- Optimise efficiency in the entire healthcare operations
- Develop an effective supply chain to reduce operational cost
- Leverage technology to analyze spend practices, variability optimization
- Develop a successful financial and inventory management strategy
- Work better with third party vendors
Who should Attend
Representatives from: Private Healthcare Operators, Public Healthcare Operators, Health Authorities, Governments, Healthcare Management Organizations (HCMO), Healthcare Operators, Private Equity, Healthcare REITs, Healthcare Venture Capitalists, Hedge Funds and Institutional Investors.