IASDR 2025 - International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference is dedicated to all aspects of design research that explores the interaction between design science, research, arts and technology.
- What new business models and modes of operation should design support
- What forms of change should design embrace
- How should we respond to the current challenges presented in education
- Is design being eclipsed by STEM subjects
- How should design nurture creativity towards new ways of learning
- What ways can design enhance learning experiences
- How should design improve the way we approach sustainability and the circular economy
- How should design be used to enhance our lives and the environment
- How are materials shaping design and how are designers shaping materials
- How can design enhance the urban environment
- How will co-design and co-production models evolve in the next decade
- Is the democratisation of making a positive of negative issue for design
- What is the role of design in discovering new technology
- What social dimensions in society can design embrace and why
- How can design and creativity unlock the potential of digital technologies
- How should design connect technology and humans
- How can design be effectively managed to maximise its economic valueHow can design become more inclusive, ethical and sustainable
- What are the relationships between thinking and doing in design
- What is revolutionary thinking in design research