Preventing gender-based violence with a focus on Southern Africa
LGBTIQ rights of gay marriage; where to next?
Arbitrary detention: Article 9 of the ICCPR and its relevance in the third decade
I am a lawyer, but I keep being arrested when I do my job: help!
UDHR 75th anniversary – future perspectives for legal practitioners and their clients
Migration, workers and human rights
Addressing the social and human dimension of climate change – what needs to be done
BHR and its impact for general counsel
Death penalty: intersection with fundamental human rights and criminal law
Modern slavery: what do the next five years look like?
Gender inclusive justice for international crimes committed in Myanmar: perspectives on prevention in the future
An exceptional chemical weapons tribunal: closing the chemical weapons impunity gap?
Practicing law in post-coup Myanmar: challenges and opportunities
Past Events
IBA Human Rights Conference: Climate, justice and law, 5-7 April 2024, Tokyo - 05-07 Apr 2024, Iino Hall & Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan (102586)
Please, check "IBA Human Rights Conference: Climate, justice and law, 5-7 Tokyo" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements