The ICAFS 2025: International Conference on Agricultural and Food Sciences explores topics like agri-tourism, rural education, sustainable urban food systems, and the socio-economic impacts of agriculture and land-use transformations.
- Agri tourism: Critcal Perspectives on Dilemmas and Opportunities
- Green care
- Rural education
- Exploring ‘civic food networks’ and their role in enabling sustainable urban food systems
- Economic impact at the farm level
- Environmental services
- Entrepreneurial skills and competences: challenges and opportunities
- Business models; farm enterprise development models
- Regional branding; the socio-economic impact at the regional levelWG11 Urban, peri-urban and regional planning
- Learning for innovation – new challenges in an urbanizing world
- What are the challenges of future urban agriculture?
- Land-use transformations
- Consumers, multifunctional agriculture and urban dynamics
- Public food procurement
- Social exclusion and poverty in rural areas
- Multifunctionality, rural policy and governance
- Transition approaches
- Migration and mobility
- Multifunctional agriculture as a coupled human-natural system