The IE Expo China 2025 - International Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies highlights innovations and solutions in water, sewage, refuse, recycling, air pollution control, and energy conservation technologies and services.
Product & Service Categories
- Refuse Disposal and Resources Recycling and Reutilization
- Water and Sewage
- Environmental Monitoring Instrument
- Air Pollution Control
- Energy Saving Technologies, Services and Products Area
- Environmental Services Area
- Pollution Control Area (Ecological recovery and protection, Noise and vibration control, Heavy metal pollution, Soil rehabilitation and Other related technologies)
Who should Attend
Only trade visitors from:
- Process/Supply/Execution/ Enterprises from areas such as Refuse, Water and Sewage, Measurement and Control Technology, Air Pollution Control and Renewable Energy
- Industries such as Petroleum, Steel, Electric Power, Chemistry, Electronics, Metallurgy, Cement, Plating, Textile, Pharmaceutics, Pulp, Dyeing, Food and Beverage
- Bidding Engineering Companies/Bidding Companies/Construction Safety Companies
- Trade (Distribution/Wholesale, Import/Export)
- Research Institutions, Universities, Academies
- Government Departments, Trade Associations, other Public Organizations
- Financing/Consultation