Vehicular Networks DSP Algorithms and Architectures
MMWave Communications
Molecular Communications
RF for Wireless Systems Networks and Information Security Speech and Audio Processing
Biomedical Signal Processing
Network and Services Management
Performance Analysis Language Identification
Green Communications
Wireless System Prototypes/Testbeds
Cellular and Wireless Networks Complex Networks Machine Learning
Pattern Analysis and Classification
Network Interoperability
Large Dimensional Signal Processing
Li-Fi Communications Biological Networks
Social Networks
Internet of Things
Internet of Everything
Compressive Sensing
Cognitive and Cooperative MAC
Sparse Signal Recovery
Cloud-Based Technique
VANETS Transfer Learning
Cloud RAN)
(Mobile Cloud Computing,
Neuronal Signal Processing
Who should Attend
Attendees from:
Practitioners from different industries
Researchers from academia
Past Events
IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing - 09-11 Apr 2020, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Chennai, India (87160)
Please, check "IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Technology: Communication Networks, Signal Processing