The MML2010 follows the series of previous symposia that were held in Kyoto (1992), Cambridge (1995), Vancouver (1998), Aachen (2001), Boulder (2004) and Perth (2007).
The conference topics cover a wide range of aspects of fundamental magnetic material properties relevant to both a fundamental understanding as well as technological applications of such low dimensional systems.
Scientific topics include
- spin injection, spin torque effects and spin dependent tunneling
- spin excitations and ultrafast spin dynamics
- magnetic nanostructures, magnetic recording and patterned media
- complex heterostructures and multiferroic materials
- nano-biomagnetism and other novel applications.
The structure of the symposium will be a single session style. It will consist primarily of invited talks given by world leading experts from research institutes, universities and industry. The presentations include topical overview and plenary talks. There will be extensive poster sessions, where attendants and particularly early career scientists and students are encouraged to present their work related to the fields covered by the MML2010.