Increasing Financial Literacy Engagement Through Student Driven Programming 2014
01 May 2014
Increasing Financial Literacy Engagement Through Student Driven Programming 2014 is a webinar dedicated to solutions to increase student participation in financial literacy programming.
Who should Attend
Orientation directors, assistant directors, and coordinators
First-year student seminars and programming directors, assistant directors, and coordinators
Registrars and bursars
Financial aid professionals
At-risk student program directors, assistant directors, and coordinators
Retention specialists
Residential life programming professionals
Peer mentor program directors, assistant directors, and coordinators
Professionals responsible for student wellness initiatives
Past Events
Increasing Financial Literacy Engagement Through Student Driven Programming 2014 - 01 May 2014, Webinar (43547)
Please, check "Increasing Financial Literacy Engagement Through Student Driven Programming" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements