The Insurance Risk EMEA 2015 is dedicated to the challenges of implementing intensive changes brought forward by Pillar III reporting, Solvency II, ORSA and the IMAP.
finalising the internal model approval process, the use test and advanced uses of internal models - SOLVENCY II
where insurers are at with Solvency II, where they have come from and where the regulators are heading - ORSA
how to embed and integrate the ORSA into the institution and existing processes with links to planning - PILLAR III REPORTING
how to report under Pillar III, the timelines on the horizon and the challenges with data quality and how to overcome them - LIQUIDITY RISK MEASUREMENT
the liquidity risk for insurers, how to measure and monitor and assess the scenarios affecting liquidity positions - LOW INTEREST RATE ENVIRONMENT
the impact of persistent low interest yield environments on the insurance industry, the trends for financial instruments ready for investment and where investments are happening - CYBER RISK
The latest cyber challenges on the horizon for insurers and how to respond actively and effectively - SYSTEMIC RISK AND RECOVERY AND RESOLUTION PLANNING
Best practices for building an effective recovery and resolution plan , the nature of the risk and the impact on certain insurance activities
Who should Attend
Insurance professionals.