Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and Geriatrics is a Western Caribbean cruise conference round-trip from Port Canaveral.
MCI and Alzheimer`s Disease
Understand the potential implications of early diagnosis of dementia for patient care outcomes
Define Mild Cognitive Impairment in both amnestic and non-amnestic disease states
Evaluate patients for symptoms of cognitive and functional loss
Describe the clinical manifestations of Alzheimer`s disease
Counsel families and caregivers at all stages of disease
Apply appropriate drug and non-drug interventions for patients with dementia
Utilize therapies that include bisphosphonates, PTH and inhibitors of the RANK/RANKL/OPG system
Evaluate screening recommendations and apply them to everyday practice
Better advise patients on calcium supplementation
Review the current controversies and clinical studies regarding Vitamin D
Management of Constipation
Define primary as well as secondary causes of hypertension in the older adult
Understand the common barriers that hinder the optimal management of chronic constipation in health care settings
Provide a rational strategy to manage constipation based on current best evidence of the drug classes currently available
To Sleep: Perchance to Dream
Evaluate the psychiatric, medical, and neurological causes of sleep problems
Describe the age-related changes in sleep
Intervene with appropriate treatments for complaints of insomnia including CBTI as first line guideline directed care
Implement office-based and objective methods for evaluating sleep disordered breathing
Pulmonary Disease in the Elderly
Review current immunization guidelines and supportive therapy
Evaluate current trends in pulmonary disease in the elderly
Implement the appropriate use of nebulizers, MDIs and oxygen
Include new therapies like LAMA/LABA combination inhalers and roflumilast in the management of COPD
Apply guideline directed care to patients with COPD
Where Pain Management Meets Addiction Medicine
Apply recent guidelines in pain management including calculations for Morphine Milligram Equivalent Units
Understand the pathogenesis of pain
Consider the metabolic breakdown of different narcotics and their contribution to serotonin syndrome
Choose appropriate drug therapy and multimodal interventions for the relief of pain
Employ newer tools to determine the potential for opioid dependence
Nutritional Supplements: When East meets West
Find the on-line resources that provide the best evidence in support of dietary and nutritional supplements
Understand that adequate nutrition is a prerequisite for the maintenance of good health and optimum efficiency
Council patients on the risks of certain therapies in the presence of other disease
Identify targeted supplements for heart disease, vision, depression/mood, and urologic disorders
Improve your working knowledge of the Mediterranean diet
Who should Attend
Physician Assistants
Nurse Practitioners
Past Events
Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and Geriatrics - 27 Sep - 04 Oct, 2020, Royal Caribbean Harmony of the Seas - Cruise from Port Canaveral, Florida, United States (87584)
Please, check "Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and Geriatrics" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Health & Medicine: Emergency medicine, Geriatrics, Internal medicine