The International Conference and Expo on Medical Virology 2017 is dedicated to The recent advancements and technologies being used and developed for the research on viruses.
- Antiviral Research
- Virology Contribution to Medicine
- Viral Nanoparticles
- Model Systems of Virology
- Therapeutic Approaches and Targets for
- Human Viruses in Water
- VLPs as Therapeutic and Imaging Agents
- Viral Infections
- Viruses Cancer
- Viral Biotechnology
- Pediatric virology
- Viral Immunology
- Human Virology
- Viral Transmission
- Trends In Virology
- Clinical Virology
- Advances In Virology
- Diagnostics of Viruses
- Bioweapons
- Control of Viruses
- Agriculture & Plant Virology
- Bacteriophage
Who should Attend
Medical virology professionals across all fields related to:
- Microbiology
- Virology
- Pathology
- Immunology
- Systems Virology
- Infectious Diseases
- Analytics