The 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing, Communication and Information Sciences (ICACCI-2019) is focused on various aspects of advances in Computing, Communication, and Information Sciences.
- Mobile Communication
- Track-1 (Information Communication Technology)
- Ubiquitous & Sensor Network
- Wireless Communication
- Software Platform, Smart Service, AR/VR, UI
- Information & Network Security
- WWW, OpenFlow, Future Web
- Web Service, Social Network
- BPM, ERP, CRM, SCM, ASP, WorkFlow
- Big Data, Game, Multimedia, Search Engine
- Network Management, Operation and Maintenance
- E-Governance, e-Government, e- Commerce, e-Learning, e-Health
- ITS, LBS, Telematics, Network Robotics
- NGN, BCN, NGI, Future Network
- IT in Medicine, u-Healthcare Systems
- IPTV, Internet Telephony, VoIP, MoIP
- Modern and Advanced Control Strategies Human-Machine Systems
- Cognitive Radio Networks and SDN Track-2 (Advanced Computing)
- Decision Making and Information Retrieval
- Database System
- Hybrid Systems
- Data Analysis, Prediction, and Model Identification
- Big Data Management
- Control System Track-3 (Information Sciences)
- Social network service
- Cloud computing applications
- Human Resource Management
- Social network analytics
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Entrepreneurship
- Customer Relationship Management
- Entertainment
- Multi-Media
- Banking, Insurance, Securities
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- International Management
- Web Technology Application
- Technology Management
- Electronic commerce or E-business
Who should Attend
Academicians, Engineers, and Business Professionals.