Antennas for wireless power transmission and harvesting
Lens antennas and radomes
MIMO, antenna diversity, smart and signal processing antennas
Millimeter/Terahertz and nano-optical antennas
Slotted, guided and leaky wave antennas
RFID antennas/sensors and systems
Wearable antennas
Other antenna topics
Measurement and Characterization Techniques
Material Characterization and non-destructive testing
Antenna and propagation measurement techniques
Dosimetry, exposure, and SAR assessment
EMI/EMC/PIM chambers, instrumentation, and measurements
Mm-wave, THz, and quasi-optical antenna measurements
Near-field, far-field, compact and RCS range measurement techniques
Radar scattering measurement and calibration techniques
Measurements of radar scattering and radar calibration techniques
MIMO and OTA testing
Satellite and aerospace antenna Characterization
End-to-end system testing
Other measurement topics
Propagation and Scattering
Propagation and remote sensing in complex and random media
Propagation theory
Propagation/interaction with natural media (surface/vegetation)
Millimeter/terahertz and UWB propagation
Propagation for vehicular communications
Propagation in biological tissues
Earth-space & terrestrial propagation
5G propagation
Body-centric propagation
Aeronautical and maritime propagation
Navigation, localization, positioning and tracking
Indoor and urban propagation
Satellite propagation
Radar systems, target detection, localization, and tracking
Other propagation topics
Who should Attend
Past Events
8th International Conference on Antennas and Electromagnetic Systems (AES 2020) - 24-27 Nov 2020, Adam Park Marrakech Hotel and Spa, Morocco (88588)
Please, check "International Conference on Antennas and Electromagnetic Systems (AES)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Science: Engineering, Physics
Technology: Communication Networks, Nanotechnology, Optics