The 13th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioscience (ICBB 2026) addresses cutting-edge topics in bioinformatics, focusing on computational methods for biological data analysis, biomedical modeling, and advanced techniques in genomic and proteomic research.
- Bioinformatics databases
- Biomedical modeling and computer simulation
- Biomedical image processing (segmentation, registration, fusion)
- Bio-grid
- Parallel algorithms for biological analysis
- Bio-ontology and data mining
- Phylogeny reconstruction algorithms
- Parallel architectures for biological applications
- Sequence assembly
- Protein structure prediction
- Signaling and computation biomedical data engineering
- Sequence search and alignment
- Statistical analysis
- Simulated annealing
- Support vector machines
- Stochastic grammars
- DNA assembly, clustering, and mapping
- System biology
- Computational genomics, Intelligence, proteomics, structural biology
- Telemedicine
- Genetic algorithms
- E-health
- Fuzzy logic
- Hidden Markov models
- Molecular modeling and simulation
- Molecular evolution and phylogeny
- High performance computing
- Molecular sequence analysis
- Data visualization
- Neural networks