Legal, economic and social concepts of land tenure
Cadastral studies
Land ownership and land registration
Establishment and re-establishment of real property boundaries
The proprietary land unit
Fiscal, judicial and multipurpose cadastral systems
The role of the cadastral surveyor
Use, valuation and management of land resources
Land registration systems
Liability of surveyors
Cadastre system
Legal survey systems
Cadastral plans and maps
Cadastral survey mapping
The art of land surveying
Principles of cadastral surveying
Multipurpose land information systems
GPS methodology for cadastral surveying
Options for the future
Current techniques
Past Events
International Conference on Cadastral Studies and Maps (ICCSM 2019) - 30-31 Oct 2019, Cairo, Egypt (51477)
Please, check "International Conference on Cadastral Studies and Maps (ICCSM)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements