Machining, Sheet metal and forming, powder metallurgy
Casting, forging, metal joining
Computer Aided Manufacturing
Micro /Nano/ Non conventional Manufacturing
Machine Tools
Intelligent Manufacturing
Composite processing
Reverse engineering
Industrial engineering
Modeling and Analysis
Engineering Design
Design Optimization
Innovations in Design
Acoustics & Noise Control
Stress analysis
Product life management
Dynamics and Vibration
Engineering Mechanics
Mechatronics applications
Mechatronics systems
Microcontrollers and PLC
Sensing and actuating systems
Human-Robot Interfaces
Artificial Intelligent system
Manufacturing mechatronics
Nano/ Micro Electro -Mechanical System (MEMS)
Who should Attend
Engineers, academicians and scientists from around the world.
Past Events
International Conference on Design, Manufacturing & Mechatronics 2014 - 09-10 Jan 2014, KJEI's Trinity College of Engineering and Research, Pune, India (40823)
Please, check "International Conference on Design, Manufacturing & Mechatronics" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements