The 3rd international conference on Education Quality (ICEQ 2020) is dedicated to the management of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).
- Integration and inclusion in educational settings—examples from practice
- Technology and digital innovation – examples from practice
- Rising student expectations and needs – sharing cross national experiences
- Multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary study in education—sharing cross national experiences
- Making research sustainable – sharing experiences
- Increased costs and shifting funding – a challenge for lifelong learning
- Leadership matters – policy, systems and cohesion
- Diverse student engagement – recruitment, completion and evaluation
- Course and programme instructional design – examples of effective practice
- Meeting regulatory expectations – the changing face of education
- Innovating and maintaining teaching quality – challenges and opportunities
- Creating educational climates – promoting trust and preventing violence
- Measuring and evaluating success – listening to the student experience