The 27th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (E&PDE 2025) is dedicated to current and future educational issues in engineering & product design.
- Responsible innovation in design and engineering education
- The effect that design and engineering have on global co-habitation
- International, multi-sectorial or multispecies collaborations
- Professional perspectives for design students in a pluralistic future
- Design and engineering as agents of regeneration and transformation
- Ethical, social and/or environmental issues in design and engineering, and their education
- The potential of interdisciplinary activities to foster responsible innovation
- Design and engineering from under-represented perspectives
- Established, alternative and emerging educational paradigms to equip engineers and designers for future challenges
- Sustainable development and working towards UN Sustainable Development Goals
Who should Attend
Educators, practitioners and students from product development, engineering, industrial and human centred design and industry.