Artificial intelligence approaches to software engineering
Agent-based software engineering
Embedded and ubiquitous software engineering
Component-based software engineering
Empirical software engineering
Aspect-based software engineering
Automated software design and synthesis
Search-Based Software engineering
Reverse engineering
Automated software specification
Software analysis, design and modeling
Requirements engineering
Software engineering tools and environments
Software maintenance and evolution
Software design patterns
Software engineering decision support
Software domain modeling and analysis
Software product lines
Multimedia and hypermedia software engineering
Software economics
Enterprise software, middleware, and tools
Software engineering case study and experience reports
Green Nanotechnology
Renewable Energy
Environmental Engineering
Biomass and Bioenergy
Sustainable Energy
Green Economy
Green Chemistry
Energy Conservation
Climate Change
Energy Recycling
Smart Grid
Green Energy
Green Engineering
Environmental Toxicology
Past Events
International Conference on Environmental Science and Green Technology (ICESGT 2024) - 22 May 2024, Agra, India (101860)
Please, check "International Conference on Environmental Science and Green Technology (ICESGT)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements