The 2011 International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics will be held on August 17-20, 2011 in Beijing, China. The theme of the conference is "Fluid Power and Mechatronics for Sustainable Development". FPM2011 conference invites submissions of high quality research papers describing original work on abstractions, algorithms, theories, methodologies, and case studies on but not limited to the following topics:
- Fundamental Theory of Fluid Power and Transmission
- Hydraulic Component and Systems with Innovative Applications
- Pneumatic Component and Systems with Innovative Applications
- Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Mechatronic Control in Vehicle and Mobile Machinery
- Advanced Control Valve and Advanced Actuator System
- Water Hydraulics, Sea-water Hydraulics, Sea Rescue
- Functional Fluid and Applications, Intelligent Materials and Smart Structure
- Robotics, Automation, and Mechatronics, Field Robotics
- Modeling and Simulation, Dynamics and Control
- Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis, Reliability, Health Management, Fault Prognostics
- Energy-saving Technology in Fluid Power System, Fluid Power Control in New Energy Resource
- Healthcare Mechatronics
- Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Fluid Power and Mechatronics