The 9th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications (HUCAPP 2025) brings together researchers, engineers, and practitioners to explore various aspects of human-computer interaction, including theories, interaction techniques, haptic and multimodal interaction, and agents.
- Haptic and multimodal interaction
- Haptics simulation and rendering
- Haptic interactions
- Multimodal systems and application
- Haptic interfaces and cognition/perception
- Input and output modalities
- Agents and human interaction
- Agents for human-human interaction
- Models for human-agent interaction
- Agent-based human-robot interaction
- Agent-based human-computer-interaction
- Human cooperation and agent-based interaction
- Social agents and emotional interaction
- Interaction techniques and devices
- Virtual, augmented and mixed reality
- General input and output devices
- Interaction devices and immersive displays
- Interactive systems for education and training
- Mobile, wearable and pervasive devices
- User interfaces
- Context-aware and adaptive systems
- Collaborative systems
- 3d interaction techniques and metaphores
- Theories, models and user evaluation
- Cognitive and conceptual models
- Design methods and tools
- User performance evaluation
- Evaluation paradigms and frameworks
- Usability and user experience
- User modeling and profiling
- Task analysis, guidelines and heuristics