The 4th International Conference on Information Integration and Computing Applications (ICIICA 2018) is dedicated to Information System and engineering.
Information Integration in Ubiquitous Computing Track
Who should Attend
Business personal
Past Events
4th International Conference on Information Integration and Computing Applications (ICIICA 2018) - 11-12 Aug 2018, K+K Hotel Cayré, Paris, France (75817)
3rd International Conference on Information Intergration and Computing Applications (ICIICA 2014 ) - 15-16 Apr 2014, Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit, Bangkok, Thailand (42098)
Please, check "International Conference on Information Integration and Computing Applications (ICIICA)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Science: Computer Science, Engineering
Technology: Information Technology (IT), Internet, IT Security, Software engineering