The 3rd International Conference on Information Network and Computer Communications (INCC 2025) focuses on advancements in information networks, computer communications, and emerging technologies like 5G, IoT, and cloud computing.
- Computer Communications
- Age of Information
- 5G and beyond networks
- Cellular networks
- Big data and machine learning for networks
- Challenged Environments (underwater, underground)
- Cloud computing/mobile cloud computing
- Cross-layer optimization and control
- Connected unmanned aerial/terrestrial/underwater systems
- CubeSats
- Crowdsourcing
- Datacenter networking
- Cyber-physical systems
- Energy efficiency in networks
- Dynamic spectrum sharing
- Fault tolerance, reliability and survivability
- Edge and fog computing/networking
- Information-centric networking
- Information security and privacy
- Internet architecture
- Interference management and mitigation
- Localization and location-based services
- Internet of Things
- MIMO-based networking
- Medium access control
- Mobile sensing and applications
- MmWave, THz, VLC, full duplex communication networks
- Multimedia networking
- Mobility management and models
- Network management
- Network economics and pricing
- Network security and privacy
- Network measurement and analysis
- Optical networks
- Network virtualization
- Quality-of-service and resource management
- Overlay and peer-to-peer networks
- Router and switch design
- Quantum networking
- Scaling laws and fundamental limits
- Routing and multicast
- Social computing and networks
- Smart grid applications
- Studies on testbeds and large-scale experimental platforms
- Software-defined networking
- Web applications and content distribution
- Vehicular networks
- Information Network
- Digital System and Logic Design
- Computer Networks
- Analog and Digital Electronics
- Networked-driven Multicore Chips
- Wireless Networks
- Signals and Systems
- Virtual Reality and Simulation
- Network and Data Security
- Communications Engineering
- MIS Management Information System& Network System Project
- Wireless Sensor and Communication Networks
- Data Communication
- Mobile Computing and Communication
- Cloud Computing and Internet of Thing
- Communication Modeling
- 5G and 6G Communications
- Net information Security & System Security Technology
- Information analysis and infrastructure
- Digital Media Technology & Radio/Television Engineering
- Information Warfare Technology
- Pattern Recognition & Information Retrieval
- Information Retrieval and Database Systems Information Theory
- Information Technology Applications