2014 International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications (iTAP)

  • 2014
  • Wuhan, China


P2P Networks and Applications, Multimedia and QoS, Web-based Services, System and Applications, Cloud computing, Distributed computing, Data Mining, Internet Computing, E-Business, E-Government, Distributed Object-Oriented Systems, E-Learning, Network Performance, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Network Discovery and Mapping, Network Interface, Network and Data Security, Network Monitoring, Natural Networks and Applications, Grid Computing and Applications, High Speed Networks, Communication Networks and Protocols, Wireless Network, Cognitive Network, Ad Hoc Networks, Mesh Networks, Network Architecture and Protocols and Heterogeneous Wireless Networks.

Who should Attend

Researchers from around the world.

Past Events


Please, check "International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications (iTAP)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Business: E-Business
Education: E-learning
Government & Global Issues: E-Government
Technology: Communication Networks, Data management, Digital Infrastructure, Information Technology (IT), Internet, IT Security, Telecommunication

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