The 42nd International Conference on Law, Finance, Accounting & Management (LFAM 2025) aims to bring together researchers, academicians, and practitioners from diverse fields to share and discuss ongoing research activities related to law, finance, accounting, and management.
- Business/marketing
- The role of marketing in strategic planning
- Marketing philosophy
- Marketing in sme`s
- Relationship marketing
- Market and industry stakeholder needs
- Public relations strategies
- The development and utilization of marketing plans
- International strategies
- Social networks marketing
- Online marketing
- Brand management
- Marketing effectiveness at the operational and strategic levels
- Law: jurisprudence, law, legal and justice studies
- Law and criminal justice studies
- Jurisprudence, law, legal and justice studies
- Legal and dispute studies
- Law and justice studies
- International law in a multicultural world
- Interdisciplinary legal studies
- Relevance of legal institutions in contemporary society
- Law as mirroring societal values
- Practice of law and other disciplines
- Corporate laws and theoretical approaches
- Immigration policies
- Traditional values and minority rights
- Criminal law and of cultural values
- Ideals reflected in human rights charters
- Impact of technology and a globalization
- Environmental regulation and sustainability
- Criminal justice studies
- Education
- Higher education: new trends in the higher education area; curriculum, research, and development; educational communications and technology; educational measurement and evaluation; educational research, etc
- Education of science: biology education; chemistry education; mathematics education; information and computer education; social studies education; psychological studies in education, etc
- Elementary education
- E-learning
- Barriers to learning: (ethnicity, age, psychosocial factors, ...);information and communications technology in education
- Education, research and globalization
- Adult and continuing education: family education; comparative education
- Language education: esl/tesl
- Early childhood education: preschool education; special education; rehabilitation counselling
- Education and globalization
- Marketing and fundraising in education
- Education policy and administration/leadership: indigenous perspectives and diversity issues; government policy issues; organizational, legal and financial aspects; leadership and university administration
- Physical education
- Digital divide
- Teacher training: vocational education; women and minorities in science and technology; increasing affordability and access to the internet; student support in education
- Rural education
- Ethical issues in education: intellectual property rights and plagiarism; managing cultural diversity; youth participation
- Management & accounting
- Management accounting
- Auditing
- Commercial law
- Financial accounting
- Budgeting and reporting
- Profitability and earnings
- Performance evaluation
- Internal reporting and incentives
- General financial markets
- Interface between internal and external reporting
- Asset pricing
- Portfolio choice
- Information and market efficiency
- Contingent pricing; futures pricing
- Government policy and regulation
- International financial markets
- Banks; other depository institutions
- Financial institutions and services
- Insurance; insurance companies
- Mortgages
- Investment banking; venture capital; brokerage
- Pension funds; other private financial institutions
- Corporate finance and governance
- Government policy and regulation
- Financing policy; capital and ownership structure
- Capital budgeting; investment policy
- Mergers; acquisitions; restructuring; corporate governance
- Bankruptcy; liquidation
- Payout policy