Facilities Planning and Logistics System Application
Automobile structure
Usability Design
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
Transportation Systems
Man-Machine Interface Design
Digital Human Technique and Its Applications
Adaptive automation systems
Mechanical Design and Application
Automated fault detection, diagnostics, and prognostics
Agent-based collaborative automation systems
Networked control systems
Autonomous systems
Advanced Power Semiconductors
Power and energy system automation
Computation Intelligence in Electrical Engineering
Analogue and Digital Signal Processing
Past Events
3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Automation and Electrical Engineering (CAMEE 2024) - Dec 2024, (96883)
2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Automation and Electrical Engineering (CAMEE 2023) - 15-17 Dec 2023, Tibet Hotel Chengdu, China (100913)
Please, check "International Conference on Mechanical, Automation and Electrical Engineering (CAMEE)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements