Applications of green networking technologies and principles
AI/ML-based smart networking
Big data analytics for social networks
Architectures, algorithms, and protocols
Cellular networks
Big data and machine learning solutions for social networks
Cognitive networks for energy efficiency
Cloud-based social networks
Communication Interference control
Cognitive radio networks
Trust, security, and privacy in wireless mobile networks
Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks, Ad hoc and Opportunistic Networks, Vehicular Networks
Mobile networks in Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE)Content centric networking
Data storage, data centers and cloud computing in wireless mobile networks
Wireless network architectures
Mobility management and modeling in wireless mobile networks
Cross-layer design and optimization for wireless mobile networks
High performance network virtualization
Mobile networks — 5G, 6G and beyond
Multipath communication over wireless mobile networks
Network design and customization
Wireless & mobile network management and data services
Predictive analytics and predictive maintenance in networking
Artificial Intelligence in networking resource optimizations
Computer Vision & Machine Learning
Energy-saving and QoE-oriented applications
Advance Technique in Computing Algorithm
Deep and Reinforcement learning
Pattern recognition and classification for networks
Machine learning for security and protection
Machine learning for 5G system
Machine learning for Internet of Things
Experimental evaluations of machine learning
Optimization & Performance analysis of machine learning methods
Machine learning for security and protection
Machine learning for network slicing optimization
Image Recognition & Experts System
Distributed and decentralized machine learning algorithms
Past Events
International Conference on Networking and Machine Learning (CNML 2021) - 23-25 Jul 2021, Singapore (92169)
Please, check "International Conference on Networking and Machine Learning (CNML)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Science: Computer Science
Technology: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Information Technology (IT), Robotics