Heat, mass transfer and fluid flow in food processing
Marine Biotechnology
Marine & algal biotechnology
Meat science
Mathematical modeling and software development for food processing purposes
Microorganism technology
Nano Biotechnology
Molecular pharming in plants & animals
Nanoparticles, nanocomposites, and nanoporous materials for bio-applications
Nanoparticle sequestration in biomolecules
Non-thermal food processing
Non-ruminant nutrition
Nutrition for people with special needs
Nutrition and health of the public
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Nutritional status of various ages
Plant biotechnology
Physiology and endocrinology
Protein and gene delivery systems
Plant design using conceptual design techniques
Role of ag-biotech innovation for national and international competitiveness
RNA and DNA structure and sequencing
Seed, fruit & reproductive plant biotechnology
Ruminant nutrition
Sustainable Agriculture
Separation and purification processes for food production
The future of plant genetic engineering
Past Events
4th International Conference on Nutrition and Food Engineering (ICNFE 2019) - 2019, (75655)
3rd International Conference on Nutrition and Food Engineering (ICNFE 2018) - 14-16 Nov 2018, Hotel Royal Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (75654)
International Conference on Nutrition and Food Engineering (ICNFE 2016) - 19-21 Aug 2016, NARIC Food Science Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary (57736)
Please, check "International Conference on Nutrition and Food Engineering (ICNFE)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements