Systematic methods and Tools for managing the complexity
Time-frequency Analysis
Change Detection Problems
Biological Inspired Sensors
Mechanical, Force and Tactile Sensors
Intelligent Components for Control
Sensors Fusion
Modelling, Analysis and Control of Discrete-event Systems
System Modelling
Engineering Applications
Modelling, Analysis and Control of Hybrid Dynamical Systems
Vision, Recognition and Reconstruction
Image Processing
Control and Supervision Systems
Robot Design, Development and Control
Vehicle Control Applications
Telerobotics and Teleoperation
Human-Robots Interface
Industrial Networks and Atom
Autonomous Agents
Network Robotics
Space and Underwater Robots
Intelligent Transportation Technologies and Systems
Human-Machine Interfaces
Modelling, Simulation and Architecture
Humanoid Robots
Collective and Social Robots
Mobile Robots and Intelligent Autonomous Systems
Cognitive Approach for Robotics
Virtual Environment, Virtual and Augmented Reality
Mechatronics Systems
Surveillance, Fault detection and Diagnosis
Perception and Awareness
Engineering Applications
Engineering Applications
Lean Enterprise
Engineering Applications
Supply Chain and Logistics Engineering
Virtual Enterprises and Interoperability
Quality Control and Management
Production Planning, Scheduling and Control
Facilities Planning and Management
Computer-based Manufacturing Technologies
Precision Engineering
Energy Efficiency and Green Manufacturing
Intelligent Design and Manufacturing
Industrial Automation and Robotics
Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Resources and Knowledge Management in Industry
Performance Evaluation and Optimization
Systems Modelling and Simulation
Cost and Value Engineering
Human Factors & Human-System Interface
Business Process Modelling
Past Events
International Conference On Robotics, Control And Automation (ICRCA 2023) - 08-09 Aug 2023, New Delhi, India (99029)
Please, check "International Conference On Robotics, Control And Automation (ICRCA)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements