Conference-Workshop CPE`2011 will be an International wide forum for researchers, practitioners and postgraduate students to exchange new ideas and experiences in the area of power electronics application to different systems.
CT1: Power Quality, Alternative Energy and Distributed Systems
General power quality problems and measurements. Distribution networks. Distributed generation. Reliability and economics. Hybrid energy systems. Energy storages. Fuel cell. Renewable energy sources.
Conference Topics
CT2: Power Electronics Controllers for Power Systems
FACTS and HVDC. Grid interfaces. Filters and compensators. Custom power devices. UPS. Active power quality controllers. Voltage restorers. UPQC.
CT3: Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion
Unconventional motors and generators. Motor drives. Variable and constant speed generators. Power electronics converters for drives and generators. Motion control. Modulation techniques. Energy saving and compatibility of electrical drives and generators.
CT4: EMI and ESI Problems
General problems. EMC standardization. Measurements and computation-property of the power electronics circuits. EMC improvement with new materials and elements, systems construction and protection.
CT5: Special Power Electronic Systems and Applications
Unconventional power electronics converters. Automotive vehicles. Aircraft. Ships. Military technology.