Theme: A Cost Modeling Retrospective Looking Back and Looking Forward
The USC Center for Systems and Software Engineering will hold its annual Forum on COCOMO and Systems/Software Cost Modeling at USC during the first week in November. This year, in honor of our Silver Anniversary, our Forum theme encourages a retrospective look at systems and software cost modeling: the impact of cost modeling on systems and software engineering in general, how cost modeling has influenced our own work, and our cost modeling challenges going forward. In addition, we plan workshops based on work we are doing for the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency and the DoD-Stevens-USC Systems Engineering Research Center as well as COSYSMO 2.0.
Retrospective topics of interest include reflections on the COCOMO suite of models and other long-running cost models; how they`ve evolved over the years; innovative ways of applying cost models; model integration experiences; impacts on planning, negotiation, and tailoring of engineering processes; model scalability; schedule estimation; cost modeling and estimation as it relates to agile methods, COTS integration, or architecture migrations such as service-oriented architectures; value-based approaches, models for addressing software quality and security issues; and risk assessment. As in past years, the COCOMO Forum is a venue for presenting data from PhD students, other academic researchers, and industry and government affiliates that describe emerging ideas as well as more mature concepts. We encourage abstract submissions across this spectrum as well as tool demonstration proposals that will lead to a lively interchange of ideas.
Visitors profile
software managers, software engineers of all kinds