The following topics will be covered at the conference:
Manufactured nuclear graphite
Methods, properties, models
Graphite irradiation behaviour
Data, models, theory, creep
Radiolytic and thermal oxidation - models, data, effects on properties
Graphite measurement techniques and characterisation - physical, mechanical, thermal, chemical property measurement, microstructural examination
International standards
Irradiation experiments - design and data
Inspection and monitoring - core geometry, properties, techniques, data analysis
Graphite component and graphite core structural integrity assessment - moderator, sleeves, fuel composites Graphite as a material for new nuclear plant - regulatory issues, design
11th International Nuclear Graphite Specialists` Meeting (INGSM-11 2010) - 12-15 Sep 2010, Eastbourne Centre, United Kingdom (8154)
Please, check "International Nuclear Graphite Specialists` Meeting (INGSM)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements