The varied processes involved in each of the seven stages
The seven stages of international payments/foreign exchange trade and settlement, and fully comprehend how each phase is related to the larger process flow
A clear insight into practices that may mitigate some of the operational risks that are specific to the international payments/foreign exchange industry
Operational risk in the context of international payments/foreign exchange operations and how to use this knowledge to manage their own foreign exchange activities more effectively
The key best practices that are used in the international payments/foreign exchange industry
How acceptance and use of these practices may help reduce operational costs
Current developments in international payments/foreign exchange activities and practices and obtain a clear insight into future trends and directions
The principles behind and the operation of shared settlement services such as CLS (Continuous Linked Settlement) and the role that these play in the mitigation of risk
Who should Attend
Investment banks
Commercial banks
Multinational corporations
Foreign exchange dealers and brokerage companies
Commodity trading advisors
Money managers
Insurance companies
Pension and hedge funds
Central banks
Brokers/dealers, and other participants in the interdealer market
Investment companies
Past Events
International Payments - Advanced Workshop 2016 - 29 Feb - 01 Mar, 2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (55458)
Please, check "International Payments - Advanced Workshop" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements