Computational Neural Models Spiking Neurons Visual and Auditory Cortex Neural Encoding and Decoding Plasticity and Adaptation Brain Imaging(fMRI,MEG,EEG) Learning and Memory Inference and Reasoning Knowledge Acquisition and Language Perception,Emotion and Development Cognition Reinforcement Learning Action And Motor Control Attractor and Associative Memory Neurodynamics, Complex Systems
Models, Methods and Inference
Stability and Convergence Analysis Feed forward Neural Network Recurrent Neural Network Self-organizing Network Cellular Neural Network Hybrid Neural Networks Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning Reinforcement learning PCA and ICA Projection Pursuit Methods Kernel Methods and SVM Optimization Algorithms Probabilistic and Information-theoretic Methods Mixture models Graphical Models,Topic Models Gaussian Processes Ensemble Learning,Committee Algorithms Bayesian,Causal,and Semantic Networks Model Selection and Structure Learning Sparsity and Feature Selection Matrix/Tensor Analysis Temporal Models and Sequence Data Structured and Relational Data Ensemble Methods and Boosting Clustering Embeddings and Manifold Learning Active Learning
Vision and Auditory Modelling
Visual Perception and Modelling Visual Selective Attention Statistical and Pattern Recognition Visual Features Analysis Object Recognition Motion and Tracking Natural Scene Statistics Image Segmentation Image Coding and Representation Auditory Perception & Modeling Source Separation Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis Speaker Identification Audio and Speech Retrieval Music Modeling & Analysis
Control, Robotics and Hardware
Neuromorphic Hardware and Implementations Embedded Neural Networks Reconfigurable Systems Fuzzy Neural Networks Robotics Multi-Agent Systems and Game Theory Reinforcement Learning Markov Decision Processes Planning and Decision Making Predictive State Representations Policy Search Action and Motor control Visuomotor Control Planning and Motion Planning
Novel approaches and Applications
Brain-like Systems Adaptive Intelligent Systems Brain-computer Interfaces Granular Computing Evolutionary neural networks Hybrid Intelligent Systems Bioinformatics and biomedical engineering Neuroinformatics and neuroengineering Systems Biology Time Series Prediction Information Retrieval Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Natural Language Processing
Past Events
7th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN) 2010 - 06-09 Jun 2010, Majesty Plaza, Shanghai, China (2064)
Please, check "International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements