Investigation of glutamate receptors using immunochemical techniques 2014
05 Feb 2014
Investigation of glutamate receptors using immunochemical techniques 2014 is a webinar dedicated to neuroscience or immunochemical techniques including:
Choice of antigens for anti-GluR antibody preparation
Molecular organisation and regulation of glutamate receptors (GluRs)
Validation of antibodies and required controls for various immunochemical techniques
Immunochemical approaches used for the investigation of GluRs
Common problems and pitfalls in execution techniques or interpretation of the data
Who should Attend
Early career researchers
Undergraduate/postgraduate students
Past Events
Investigation of glutamate receptors using immunochemical techniques 2014 - 05 Feb 2014, Webinar (41869)
Please, check "Investigation of glutamate receptors using immunochemical techniques" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements