This symposium will focus on advances in our understanding of normal pancreatic b-cell function and mechanisms of beta-cell failure in type 2 diabetes, which has become a pandemic disease with estimates of affected individuals reaching 350 millions in 2030. Defects in pancreatic b-cell function and reduced beta cell mass are now recognized as the event that triggers the transition from pre-diabetes/metabolic syndrome to overt type 2 diabetes. Major advances have been made in our understanding of fundamental beta-cell biology, signaling pathways regulating islet growth, apoptosis, regeneration in normal and disease states, and development of new strategies for enhancing beta-cell survival and function. Leading contributors of academic and industrial contributors alike will carefully discuss recent advances in several disciplines, including development, regeneration, stem cells, transcription factors, novel signaling pathways, cell biology, genetics, gene regulation, drug targeting, as well as emerging technologies in islet research.