ECTD implementation of regulatory agencies - New EU regulation Variations - eCTD lifecycle management DCP / MRP and CP Since July 2009, the
exclusive eCTD Submission at the EMEA
From 2010 it is consistent with the European
Regulatory agencies and will be required in the shortest time
eCTD Worldwide the
Standard be:
Are you ready for this? However, the
Requirements for eCTD in European countries
not uniformly regulated. A harmonization is being driven, but is still pending. Take advantage of the opportunity, on our 2nd Annual Congress 2010, a large number of eCTD
Practical examples to hear from different companies. Many experts talk about the implementation in the company and report on
Opportunities and challenges.
- Find out how the date of implementation in European Authorities looks like now and when eCTD absolutely is
- Listen to what Impact new EU eCTD Variations will
- Optimize the Lifecycle Management in MRP / DCP - From the First-timers until Procedure completed
Connect with decision makers from the fields
Global Regulatory Operations,
Regulatory Affairs,
Documentation Management and
Life Cycle Management out and win this way
impetus for your business!