The LGTBI Aged Care Conference 2013 is dedicated to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) aged care strategy in Australia, including:
- Diversity within diversity
- Drivers for reform and key elements in national strategy
- The impact of the historical discrimination faced by older LGBTI people and its effect on LGBTI people using aged care services
- Invisibility of older LGBTI people within aged care and its impact on ageing and aged care policy and practice
- Access and equity and quality of care
- Engaging the LGBTI people and community at large in uplifting and empowering the ageing experience
- Case studies from aged care homes - planning and implementing consumer focussed and targeted services
- Capacity building and resourcing - expanding knowledge and evidence base for best practice and workforce training
- Mental & physical health in ageing - LGBTI perspectives
- Rights of partners and families
Who should Attend
LGBTI research centres, LGBTI organisations, aged care service providers, government, peak bodies and researchers.