Global natural gas prices: Henry Hub, UK NPB and the Japan’s JCC
The global LNG Industry including current Australian projects
The concept of Energy Equivalent Pricing of natural gas
Indexation of the natural gas price to the oil price
How to forecast natural gas prices in all markets
How LNG is priced with reference to the "S" curve formula
Major capex and opex expense line items associated with a typical LNG project
"tools of the trade" used to evaluate projects
Build a financial model to analyse the suitability of an LNG project
Who should Attend
Professional services – accountants, lawyers, consultants and auditors with direct or indirect business in the oil and gas industry
Public servants employed by the federal and state governments in finance, treasury, state development, procurement, planning and infrastructure with oversight and managerial responsibility in the oil, LNG and CSG industries
Past Events
LNG Project Evaluation Fundamentals 2014 - 22-23 Sep 2014, Pan Pacific Perth Hotel, Australia (46525)
Please, check "LNG Project Evaluation Fundamentals" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements