London Leisure and Entertainment Property 2015 is a conference that provides knowledge on how to value leisure and entertainment property, how to maximise the income from it and how to maximise its value over the medium and long term.
Prime areas for different sub-sectors of leisure and entertainment and implications for rental values (including a review of sub-sector rental values and trends)
Understanding the full range of leisure and entertainment properties and how they are valued
Evaluating the strength and acceptability of the tenant and the implications for value enhancement
Lease structures and terms to maximise values
Licencing and its implications for income and capital values
Funding London leisure and entertainment property - sources and terms
Planning - often a hurdle but sometimes there is a positive planning gain
Rating - how the rateable value impacts income and what can be done to improve the position
Putting it all together - the art of maximising value from leisure and entertainment property
Spotting opportunities in unused and undervalued space
Past Events
London Leisure and Entertainment Property 2015 - 16 Jun 2015, Le Meridien Piccadilly, London, United Kingdom (50213)
Please, check "London Leisure and Entertainment Property" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements