Microbiome & Probiotic R&D and Business Collaboration Forum: USA 2025 is dedicated to the latest research into microbial communities with a focus on translation to therapeutics.
Pharma and biotech case studies and strategies
Venture capital and funding options - start-up showcases
Going beyond the noise
QC, IP and regulatory angles
Partnering across the microbiome field - industry/academia
Development, application & acquisition of technology platforms within the microbiome space
Gut Microbiome
Microbiome and cancer
Microbiome and IBD/IBS
Microbiome and early life
Interventions in the microbiome -phage/FMT/synthetic biology
Obesity and cardio-metabolic disease
Probiotics and Prebiotics
Probiotics in paediatrics
Probiotics and digestive health
Strain identification, screenings and safety
Regulation and product development
Human milk oligosaccharides
Prebiotics, dietary fibre, personalized nutrition
Outside the Gut
Women`s health - host-interactions, vaginal microbiome, preterm birth and pregnancy progression