For Logtel, Telecom is not just another topic in its array of training programs, its Logtel s most reputable expertise. As a global company devoted to the distribution and to the development of Telecommunication knowledge and qualification, Logtel strives to lead as the industry s source of knowledge. 24 years in the business of Telecom training catering to all the major global actors and firms, leverages the company to the forefront of knowledge provision on any contemporary as existing technologies. As an expert in its field Logtel has maintained its reputation of identifying topics that serve its clients and enhances their capabilities in competing with their respective activities, technologies or production.
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cto, chief technology officer, ceo, cxo, cmo, analyst, industry analyst, tech analyst,
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Mobile, Security, Wireless, Telecom, Voip, Communications, Networks, Sip, Wi Max, Lte