Movement: Brain, Body, Cognition is a conference dedicated to the relation of human movement to cognition clinically, in rehabilitation, education and in development.
- Gender issues in Movement and Cognition.
- Brain-Gut Connection and Movement
- Physical Education as a tool for cognitive improvement.
- Neuropsychology of cognitive-motor interaction (evaluation and treatment).
- New directions in Rehabilitation Science
- Development and Aging.
- Deep Bran Stimulation,
- Reintegration of Movement and Cognition after injury
- Rehabilitation methods and results
- Movement disorders and cognitive disabilities
- Functional Connections and Disconnections,
- Movement and Neuroplasticity
- BDNF and learning
- Applications in Movement Disorders.
- Plasticity of the sensorimotor systems.
- Instrumentation, Technology and Measurement
- Skill transfer,
- Neuromodulation to facilitate motor learning
- Transfer of training.
- From robotic-assisted therapy to functional recovery.
- Neurofeedback,
- Low energy laser applications,
- Kinesiological measurement,
- Direct vagus nerve stimulation,
- Brain region reorganization,
- The measurement of motor learning
- Computational models of action selection and motor learning.
- Neuromodulation
- Evolution of Movement as the Basis of Cognition
- Ergonomics and Human Factors Psychology.
- Role of bipedalism in human cognition. From sensorimotor integration to cognitive development.
- Motor origins of language and memory.
- Primitive reflexes, postural reflexes, socialization and cognition.
- Timing, the critical component to motor binding and ultimately cognitive binding
- Fetal movement and learning and imitation,
- Human Development
- Learning and movement,
- Movement synergies and cognitive interaction,
- Neuroeducation in the schools,
- Movement development,
- Architecture of motor action.
- Do women move differently than men?
- Genetics and epigenetics of ADHD and autism in movement and cognitive application
- Motor expertise and the optimization of the elite athlete. Sport-movement and learning enhancement.
- Environmental Influences
Who should Attend
- Clinicians
- Researchers
- Educators
- Therapists
- Sport and rehabilitation sciences professionals
- Physicians
- Physical therapy
- Occupational Therapists
- Psychologists