The 14th Annual Northern Territory (NT) Major Projects Conference 2025 is a major projects and infrastructure conference in the state, attracting over 300 delegates annually.
- Funding Major Projects & infrastructure in NT
- The strategic plan for NT, including the NT Economy & Investment Opportunities
- The potential of resources projects in the NT, along with the challenge of having the right infrastructure in place to cope with the mining boom
- Major Project and Trade Developments in the NT
- Accelerating Export Opportunities with a major new bulk commodity, stockpiling and exporting facility planned for the Gulf of Carpentaria
- Inpex`s offshore LNG Project, Ichthys
- Update on Power and Water`s five year, $1.5 billion investment
- Trade & Port Development - projects, expected growth
- Transport Infrastructure for the Territory
- A strategic approach to the delivery of Government Infrastructure
- Strategic land in the Northern Territory
Who should Attend
Banking, Finance & Law, Federal, State & Local Government department & agencies, Suppliers, Construction Contractors, Urban & Rural Developers, Project Developers & Planners, Consultants (Environmental / Engineering / Project Management), Road, Rail & Ports and Economists.