Does your Unit/CPU/CRU follow the 13 GCP Principles?
How following GCP helps assure a clean Audit
Investigators key role in the Clin. Research process
How is the investigator is responsible for the IC?
What are the main Investigator responsibilities?
Why is Financial Disclosure information important?
What is the legal language of the FDA form 1572?
The Pi responsibility in the Protocol development
The Primacy of the study Protocol
How to be sure the protocol is safe for the subjects
The Sponsors Responsibility in Protocol development
How to insure the to protocol is ethically valid
How to be sure the protocol is scientifically valid
The Regulatory requirements for handling protocol deviations and violations
What is a Protocol "Deviation" and other terms
What is the reason different IRBs define deviations and violations differently
Importance of documentation of protocol deviations
The historical background of why accurate data is essential for ensuring safety of study participants/Pt
What is the basis of the difference between a "Deviation" and a "Violation"
The regulatory requirements for care of source documents
The purpose of ensuring that all data is accurate, legible, contemporaneous, original and attributable
What documents does the FDA review - always?
What "To Do" and "Never Do" with regard to data including corrections?
The CFR definitions of AEs, SAEs, and many more
How to Assess and report AEs and SAEs
Understanding laboratory AEs and the "Reference Range" concept
How to know an Adverse Event and when to report it
Reporting of Adverse Events - when and to whom
Common Mistakes in AE / SAE Reporting
The Sponsor`s responsibility in quality monitoring
How Data safety Monitoring in Protects Volunteers
What does a Monitor look for?
Why Monitor Clinical Studies
What are the strategies to improve an audit outcome?
How does a Sponsor or Site prepare for an Audit
What types of studies are targeted for auditing
What does the FDA look at when Auditing/Inspecting a study?
How SOPs are set up
The function of/reasons for an SOP in a CPU/CRU
Who creates an/the SOPs
What areas of CPU management need SOPs
Who is responsible for the Unit`s SOPs
Who should Attend
Principal Investigators and sub investigators
The Study Sponsors
Safety Nurses
Clinical Research Scientists (PKs, Biostatisticians...)
Recruiting staff, QA / QC auditors and staff, & Clinical Research Data managers
Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) and Coordinators (CRCs)
Past Events
Onsite GCP Review and Update including the all-important `Investigators Responsibility 2018 - 18-19 Jan 2018, DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Diego Downtown, California, United States (72452)
Onsite GCP Review and Update including the all-important `Investigators Responsibility` 2017 - 02-03 Nov 2017, DoubleTree by Hilton Baltimore - BWI Airport, Linthicum, Maryland, United States (70860)
Please, check "Onsite GCP Review and Update including the all-important `Investigators Responsibility" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
Event Categories
Business: Security & Safety
Health & Medicine: Medical device, Nursing, Pharma